Ujima Workshop: Riding the Wave: Bias to Equity (Advocate Session)

Thursday, October 22, 2020 at 10:30am - 12:00pm
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Ujima Workshop: Riding the Wave: Bias to Equity (Advocate Session)

The illusion of a cultural competency workshop is that it fosters the notion that you can “get it,” by taking a 2-hour course. This workshop seeks to de-mystify some of the language and variances related to culture. We will explore together the role that culture, ethnicity, and race have in shaping people’s lives and lived experiences. We will also explore the impact that bias and prejudice have in shaping those experiences as well, especially for Black survivors.  


Presenters: Ujima Inc. (Ayana Wallace and Gretta Gardner)
Date 1: October 22 @ 10:30am-12:00pm
Date 2: November 17 @ 12:00-1:30pm
Format: Zoom Video Conferencing 

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