
Find statistics on sexual assaults in Maryland, by county and by crime.  Also includes national stats and fact sheets relating to sexual assault.


Common terms and acronyms used on this website and in topics and articles pertaining to sexual assault.

Sexual Assault and Its Effects

Sexual assault is any unwanted or forced sexual act. It can happen to anyone, and is never the victim’s fault. Sexual assault can have a wide variety of effects on survivors.

Maryland SAKI Impact Map

In 2018, Maryland received funding under the Bureau of Justice Assistance Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) project to address the state's backlog of unsubmitted and untested sexual assault evidence kits (“rape kits” or SAEKs). As part of these efforts, a statewide inventory was conducted to determine how many unsubmitted and untested/partially tested kits exist in Maryland. The Maryland SAKI Impact Map shows the unsubmitted and partially tested SAEK inventory in each county, and with each law enforcement agency. 

COVID-19 Information

Survivors of sexual violence are still experiencing increased dangers as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important to share accurate information and resources with our community to make sure that survivors, friends & family, and service providers have the tools they need to continue to respond in ways that are safe and supportive. This page includes resources for survivors, advocates, service providers, and communities. 

Media Kit

A one stop location for members of the media to learn about MCASA, its programs and the Rape Crisis and Recovery Centers.

News Items

Our press releases, federal and state action alerts, and MCASA’s news appearances.


Looking for more info?  We provide consultation and trainings.  Contact Us.


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