AI Powered Programs Creating A New Type Of Revenge Pornography

Jun 18th, 2024

Artificial intelligence (A.I.) is becoming more common in our daily lives, but not every use is positive.

A.I. has brought about the existence of 'deep fakes,' which are images or recordings that are altered or created to misrepresent someone. Unfortunately, this A.I. technology is making it easier for people to create fake naked photos or videos of someone and use that artificial pornography in order to cause someone distress or embarrassment, often referred to as “revenge porn.” This technology is easy to find and easy to use, making it simple for abusers to access and exploit their victims.

MCASA's Executive Director, Lisae C. Jordan, Esq., told WMAR that "’s a huge problem, not only in the intimate partner context, but really for any use. We’re seeing a real increase in people capturing your image from the internet. Maybe you’ve got a picture on Facebook or something on your LinkedIn and they can use that image to create pornography."

Maryland laws do not currently address this type of non-consensual image sharing. MCASA will continue fighting to help keep survivors safe online and in virtual spaces. 

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