Got consent?

Jan 27th, 2023

When one person has sex with someone without consent Maryland’s rape law requires proof of:

Lack of consent and
Force or Threat of Force

Force and Threat of Force is proven by focusing on the survivor/victim and whether they resist.

2023 legislation will seek to change the focus to whether there is

clear and voluntary agreement
between the people involved.

Sponsored by Delegate Emily Shetty, this bill will strike “force or threat of force” from the statute, leaving “without the consent of the other” and provides a definition of “consent.”

The definition of CONSENT includes:

  • Clear and voluntary agreement
  • The right to withdraw consent
  • Communication through words or conduct (NOT affirmative consent)
  • Consent is not: what someone is wearing, a prior relationship, or as a result of fear, threat, deception, or coercion
  • Documentation is not required

Support survivors. Support consent.
Stay tuned for details on how to get involved!

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