Rapists Still Have Parental Rights in MD—Help Us Change That

Oct 11th, 2017

recent news story from The Detroit News covers the horrifying case of a Michigan rapist who's been granted joint custody of the child his assault produced. The story has garnered national attention, and is a reminder that this can happen in our own backyard, too.  Maryland is one of just SIX states where there is no way to terminate a rapist's parental rights. We can change that in 2018 with the Rape Survivor Family Protection Act, which would create a process for rape survivors to terminate the parental rights of their rapists. 

MCASA continues to fight for legislation to limit the parental rights of rapists when the child was conceived through rape, and to increase protections for rape survivors who have a child conceived through rape. Let's pass the Rape Survivor Family Protection Act and make it clear, once and for all, that Maryland stands with victims who become pregnant as a result of rape.

To read the full news story, click here. To learn more about the Rape Survivor Family Protection Act, click here

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