Save the Date: On 4/21 Help Stop VOCA Funding Cuts for Survivors

Apr 20th, 2021

Join us for a VOCA Senate Day of Action in Honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month & Crime Victims Rights Week
April 21, 2021

The federal Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) helps support our state’s rape crisis centers, domestic violence shelters, child advocates and child advocacy centers, anti-sex trafficking programs (including for child victims of sex trafficking), victim-witness coordinators in State’s Attorneys Offices, programs for homicide survivors, and other programs helping victims of crime throughout Maryland. 
Massive cuts to this funding source over the last few years, and the danger of additional cuts this year, are threatening to end federal support for thousands of Maryland survivors. The state would have to pick up the tab or leave survivors without the help they need. 

The House overwhelmingly passed the VOCA Fix to Sustain the Crime Victims Fund Act of 2021 to fix the problem, and the bill is waiting for Senate action. The purpose of this day of action is to push the Senate to pass this bill, H.R.1652/S.611. 
Responding to crime victims takes a joint effort from both the State of Maryland and the Federal Government. Ask the Senate to do its part to support victims of crime, including victims of child sexual abuse, sex trafficking, rape and other sexual offenses.
Call or email now, and on April 21st, to ask our Maryland Senators to continue to support the VOCA Fix legislation that protects vital services for sexual assault survivors.  We are proud that our leaders, Senator Chris Van Hollen and Senator Ben Cardin are co-sponsors of this critical legislation.

It is essential that Maryland survivors continue to receive the lifesaving legal services, advocacy, healing, and housing services they need.

U.S. Senators from Maryland

Senator Ben Cardin
(202) 224-4524
Email Senator Cardin

Senator Chris Van Hollen
(202) 224-4654
Email Senator Van Hollen

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