Call your local Rape Crisis & Recovery Center
Maryland Rape Crisis & Recovery Centers are available in each county across the state. They offer free and confidential care.
Maryland Rape Crisis & Recovery Centers are available in each county across the state. They offer free and confidential care.
Getting medical attention after an assault is very important, even if you do not have visible injuries. Maryland offers Sexual Assault Forensic Exams (SAFEs) at designated hospitals across the state. This is a FREE exam that includes evidence collection, medical care, and HIV exposure consultation. SAFEs can be completed even if you choose not to involve the police. Please click here to view the list of Maryland’s SAFE programs.
Help is always available to you. A sexual assault can happen to anyone, at any time. It doesn’t matter how old you are, what you look like, what you wear, where you hang out, or who you hang out with.
You may feel confused and unsure of what to do - social support can help during this time. Speak with someone you trust who will offer you emotional support, help you understand your options, and assist in discovering resources available to you.
An advocate from a Rape Crisis Center, or another support person, can go with you to file a report in the county or city where you were assaulted. Remember, whether you report is your decision. However, for investigative purposes, the sooner you report the sexual assault the better. Telling the police about your assault is difficult, and they will ask you some uncomfortable questions. Although this will be challenging, it is important that you answer them fully and honestly. Don’t be afraid to ask for the time and support that you need.
The safety plan helps you to know what to do in an emergency, how to protect yourself at home and while you’re out or at work, as well as how to protect your children. In addition, it covers using the law to help you and how to preserve your privacy at home and online.
Click here to download a PDF version of our safety planning guide. An advocate at your local Rape Crisis and Recovery Center can also assist you in making a plan to stay safe.
For information about abortion services and to locate a service provider, you can visit websites such as NARAL Pro-Choice Maryland, Planned Parenthood of Maryland, and the DC Abortion Fund (if you reside in Howard, Montgomery, or Prince George’s counties).