Each year, MCASA is honored to recognize the work of three outstanding visionaries who
have taken action and helped create meaningful change.
These visionaries have demonstrated exemplary leadership and compassion
through their commitment to ending sexual violence in Maryland.
Chair Ben Barnes, Esq. - In recognition of his lifetime of advocacy to support sexual assault survivors through better laws and increased services.
Delegate Charlotte Crutchfield, Esq. - In recognition of her tenacious advocacy to support sexual assault survivors throughout Maryland.
Donna Rismiller, Esq. - In recognition of her passionate advocacy for the legal rights of sexual assault survivors throughout Maryland.
Senator Delores G. Kelley - In recognition of her lifetime of advocacy to change public policy to improve the lives of sexual assault survivors throughout Maryland.
Blaine Hoffmann, Esq. - In posthumous recognition of his lifetime of compassion and dedication to serving sexual assault survivors throughout Maryland.
John J. “Jack” Condliffe, Esq. - In recognition of his passionate advocacy for the legal rights of sexual assault survivors throughout Maryland.
Delegate Brooke E. Lierman - In recognition of her dedication and support of public policy and funding to improve the lives of sexual assault survivors throughout Maryland.
Senator Charles E. Sydnor III - In recognition of his dedication and support of public policy to improve the lives of sexual assault survivors throughout Maryland.
Senator Guy Guzzone - In recognition of his dedication and support of public policy and funding to improve the lives of sexual assault survivors throughout Maryland.
SMARTies of St. Mary's College of Maryand - In recognition of their compassion and dedication to serving sexual assault survivors and building a safer campus community.
Kathlene Hand - In recognition of her support for sexual assault survivors and the non-profit organizations that serve them.
Nadja Cabello - In recognition of her compassion and dedication to serving sexual assault survivors in Montgomery County.
Delegate Sandy Bartlett - In recognition of her passionate and effective advocacy to improve public policy and support for sexual assault survivors throughout Maryland.
Alexandria Ciccone - In recognition of her passionate advocacy for the rights of sexual assault survivors throughout Maryland.
D. Melynda Clarke - In recognition of her compassion and dedication to serving sexual assault survivors in Prince George's County.
Senator Nancy J. King - In recognition of her dedication and support of public policy to improve the lives of sexual assault survivors throughout Maryland.
Victoria "Vicki" Gruber - In recognition of her efforts to ensure the passage of countless bills to help sexual assault survivors.
Aruna Miller - In recognition for her lead sponsorship of many bills that help survivors of sexual violence.
Mary Shine - In recognition for her tireless advocacy for a bill that allows survivors to ask the court to end rapists' parental rights.
Delegate Kathleen M. Dumais - In recognition for her commitment to protecting and advancing the rights of survivors of sexual violence.
Daphnee Kelly - In recognition for her willingness to share her experiences to help ensure the passage of Maryland’s No Means No law in 2017.
Daniel A. Katz, Esq. - IIn recognition for lending his expertise to MCASA’s Sexual Assault Legal Institute (SALI) to help provide access to justice for sexual assault survivors.
Jamin (Jamie) Raskin - In recognition for his devotion to the cause, and his sponsorship of numerous bills addressing sexual violence.
Renée Battle-Brooks, Esquire - In recognition for her remarkable work that helps give survivors access to justice, and holdsoffenders accountable.
Michele Hughes - In recognition for her dedication to speak truth to power to ensure that the rights of women and children are protected.
Kristin Jones Bryce, Esquire - In recognition of her unfailing, multifaceted, and consistent efforts.
Joseph I Tivvis, Jr., Esquire - In recognition for his service as co-counsel with MCASA’s Sexual Assault Legal Institute (SALI).
Laura London - In recognition for her work as an advocate and willingness to share her story to pass laws that help victims of sexual and domestic violence in Maryland.
Delegate Luke Clippinger - In recognition for his extensive work to improve laws that give survivors of sexual violence access to justice and to hold offenders accountable.
Rosalyn Branson - In recognition for her commitment to the improvement of services and resources available to survivors of sexual violence.
Laura Neuman - In recognition for her tireless work to educate and empower survivors of sexual violence.
Lisae C. Jordan, Esq. - For her tenacious pursuit of justice for survivors of sexual violence and her creation of the Sexual Assault Legal Institute.
Delegate Michael Busch - For the countless ways that he has helped improve the laws addressing sexual violence.
Elliott Andalman, Esq. - In recognition of his continuing support and expert advice for MCASA's Sexual Assault Legal Institute.