Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic there has been an increase in hate crimes, hate speech, discrimination and violence targeting the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. When political leaders have used racist and xenophobic language connecting the coronavirus to China, the documented cases of brutality and violence against Asians nationwide significantly increased. Just within the past year, there were 3,800 racially-motivated anti-Asian attacks in the United States, primarily against women.
The most recent hate crime that killed 6 Asian women in Atlanta, Georgia reveals the long-standing history of racism and sexism that has caused significant harm to Asian women. Fetishization, persistent and dangerous stereotypes, and economic inequality all play a role in the targeting of this group and the violence experienced by women of color.
MCASA condemns violence and hate speech inflicted on the AAPI community. We are in full support of promoting lasting and effective change for AAPI communities. MCASA will continue to combat and rectify racial inequalities that disenfranchise and oppress Asian Americans and others who have been shunned, violated, and harmed by various forms of discrimination.
To learn from the experiences of Asian American women in Maryland’s General Assembly, you can watch Senator Susan Lee's remarks on racism and hate crimes here, and read Delegate Lily Qi’s brave Op Ed about the rampant racism and misogyny in Annapolis here.
To learn more about what you can do to #StopAsianHate, here are some resources:
MCASA's Sexual Assault Legal Institute (SALI) provides comprehensive legal services to survivors of sexual violence statewide. If you, or someone you know, is a survivor of sexual assault, child sex abuse, or sex trafficking, learn your rights. Call SALI at 301-565-2277.
SALI serves all survivors equally.