Sexual Assault Prevention Evaluation Checklist: MCASA’s Sexual Assault Prevention Evaluation Checklist serves as a user-friendly guide that explains what prevention evaluation can look like and what is involved in the evaluation process. This checklist is designed to be a technical assistance guide for programs that are looking to include evaluation strategies in their prevention work.
Sexual Assault Prevention Evaluation Guide for Colleges and Universities: MCASA's Sexual Assault Prevention Evaluation Guide for Colleges and Universities provides a comprehensive overview of evaluating prevention programs for effectiveness. This user-friendly guide serves as a tool for colleges and universities to assess their needs for prevention programming and develop strategies to evaluate their programming.
Environmental and Situational Prevention for Colleges and Universities: MCASA's newest prevention tool Environmental and Situational Strategies for Sexual Violence Prevention: A Practitioners’ Guide to Leveraging Evidence for Impact on College Campuses provides a framework for practitioners, advocates, and college administrators interested in exploring and bringing environmental and situational prevention (ESP) strategies to their campuses.
MCASA Brochures: MCASA’s online brochure store has several free prevention-related brochures available. For more information on MCASA’s brochures and how to order them, please click here.
A Call To Men works to create a world where all men and boys are loving and respectful and all women and girls are valued and safe. They work to transform society by promoting healthy, respectful manhood and offering trainings and educational resources for companies, government agencies, schools, and community groups. Learn more by visiting the A Call To Men website.
Coaching Boys into Men is a program from Futures Without Violence that focuses on engaging men and boys in the prevention of sexual violence. The program focuses on the influential relationships between athletic coaches and young athletes and promotes respectful behaviors, emphasizing prevention of harassment, relationship abuse, and sexual violence. For more information about this program, visit the Coaching Boys Into Men Webpage.
The Erin Levitas Foundation envisions a future with education for youth and young adults to prevent sexual assault and help survivors heal. This Maryland foundation was formed in Erin Levitas’ memory to fund the work Erin had hoped to accomplish in her lifetime through her dream of a better world for youth and survivors of sexual assault. To learn more about their work, visit the Erin Levitas Foundation website.
Green Dot is a violence prevention strategy, from Alteristic, that teaches everyone personalized skills needed to stop rape, partner violence and stalking from happening. It also teaches each of us how we can promote safety in the environments in which we interact every day. To learn more, visit the Alteristic website.
Men Can Stop Rape’s mission is to mobilize men to use their strength for creating cultures free from violence, especially men’s violence against women. Instead of helping women reduce their risk of being victims of men’s violence, MCSR's programs focus on helping men use their strength in positive ways in all of their relationships. For more information, visit the Men Can Stop Rape website.
National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) focuses on preventing and responding to sexual violence through resource-sharing, collaboration, and research. NSVRC provides resources on a variety of prevention-related topics, including statistics and research on prevention, information on prevention programming, and bystander intervention. To learn more, visit NSVRC’s website.
One Love empowers young people with the tools and resources they need to see the signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships and bring life-saving prevention education to their communities. The foundation was founded to honor the unnecessary and tragic death of Yeardley Love by engaging young people through compelling, relatable films and honest conversations around healthy and unhealthy relationship behaviors. To learn more about their work, visit the One Love website.
Bringing in the Bystander is a program from the Prevention Innovations Research Center at the University of New Hampshire. It focuses on the bystander approach in preventing sexual violence. The program takes on a community approach to prevention and teaches people how to intervene in problematic situations. To learn more, visit the Bringing in the Bystander webpage.
PreventConnect is a national project of ValorUS, formerly CALCASA, with the goal of advancing the primary prevention of sexual assault and relationship violence by building a community of practice among people who are engaged in such efforts. PreventConnect also builds the capacity of local, state, territorial, national and tribal agencies and organizations to develop, implement and evaluate effective prevention initiatives. To learn more, visit the PreventConnect website.
Right to Be, formerly known as Hollaback, is a movement to end street harassment powered by a network of local activists around the world. They work together to better understand street harassment, to ignite public conversations, and to develop innovative strategies to ensure equal access to public spaces. For more information visit the Right to Be website.
The Rape and Sexual Assault Prevention Program (RSAPP) was created by the Maryland Department of Health to reduce the statewide incidence of rape and sexual assault and improve service delivery to survivors. RSAPP supports projects that aim to reduce sexual violence in Maryland by providing resources and training. RSAPP works with many partners in prevention, including state agencies, non-profit organizations, colleges, and businesses.To learn more, visit the RSAPP website.
Recognize Violence, Change Culture is a creative support team for sexual violence prevention staff and organizations, providing tools to amplify, support and enhance their work. To learn more about their work, visit the RVCC website.
Stop Street Harassment (SSH) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to documenting and ending gender-based street harassment worldwide. They conduct research, fund a national hotline, work on local, national and international campaigns and run an informational website. For more information, visit the Stop Street Harassment website.
Given the prevalence of sexual violence, it is undeniable that communities of faith contain both survivors and perpetrators. These communities are often hotspots for abuse and negligence, but they also have the potential to be safe spaces of prevention and restoration.
How can religious leaders and faith communities prevent sexual violence and respond when survivors or perpetrators come forward? Different faith communities may have different values and standards of action that are important to them. However, despite their unique values and beliefs, all faith communities should be prepared to support people in need of healing following sexual violence. Community leaders, including spiritual leaders, should be educated about sexual assault and develop partnerships with organizations and experts in the field who can help them to cultivate a community of safety and accountability.
The following organizations are working with faith communities to combat sexual violence:
The following resources will help spiritual leaders and communities to begin combatting sexual violence:
Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention with Faith Rooted Communities (ValorUS)