Why Do You Raise Awareness?

During SAAM 2023, MCASA uplifted the stories of advocates, service providers, preventionists, and educators in Maryland about why they do this work. We shared responses to the prompt ‘'I am raising awareness because...." across our social media platforms throughout the month to highlight the work of dedicated professionals in sexual violence prevention and response.








I am raising awareness because...


Moments Create Movements 

During SAAM 2021 and 2022, MCASA created a campaign with the theme of “Moments Create Movements” to examine how our small actions can create major change in the sexual violence prevention movement. Below are some highlights of the responses we received in 2021 and 2022 that show some of the ways Marylanders contribute to sexual assault prevention. Allies in the community are stepping in when they see high-risk situations, they're speaking out about their values, they're engaging their friends and families in prevention, and they're advocating for major changes in their communities! If you are interested in bringing the "Moments Create Movements" campaign to your campus, please contact us at [email protected] to learn more.







Moments- Your actions in a single moment can prevent violence


Momentum- Your actions can be the spark that inspires others to act


Movements- We can form safe, supportive communities, free from sexual violence


Every day, we have the opportunity to prevent sexual violence through our small moments, and when we take action throughout the year, we can all contribute to the movement to end sexual violence. What will you create with your moment?

While SAAM is a wonderful opportunity to recommit to prevention, it is critical that we don’t put prevention aside when the month is over; it needs to be an ongoing, yearlong process. Please click here to learn more about how you can contribute to prevention every day, or click here to request a training on prevention topics.