Survivor Services

Rape Crisis Centers

Maryland's Rape Crisis and Recovery Centers provide survivors with confidential services like crisis intervention and counseling. They also offer victim accompaniment to hospitals, police interviews, and court. 


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Medical Care

After a sexual assault, it's important to consider getting medical attention. Seeking treatment at one of the several hospitals throughout Maryland with a SAFE program will give you access to a free medical forensic exam by personnel specially trained to treat survivors.

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Legal Help

Survivors have the right to be treated with dignity, respect, and sensitivity during the criminal justice process. The Sexual Assault Legal Institute (SALI) helps protect those rights by providing comprehensive legal services to survivors of sexual violence statewide.

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Locate a Rape Crisis and Recovery Center

Take Action


We can fight sexual assault by working to make sure it never happens in the first place. There are many ways you can make a difference in your community!

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MCASA supports legislation that promotes justice for survivors of sexual violence, accountability for offenders, and protection for the general public.

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Donations help us keep working to prevent sexual assault, advocate for accessible and compassionate care for survivors of sexual violence, and hold offenders accountable.

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Illustration of a diverse group of people painting a mural of yellow flowers on a brick wall in a city. On top of the flowers, they've painted a set of hands holding a cell phone that shows the number 211 on the screen.

The Governor's Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services funded this project under subaward #MCAS-2024-0001. All points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position of any State or Federal agency.